Saturday 30 June 2012

The Ups and Downs of Dieting


Okay, I know , I know. I did not blog recently. I will be creating one entry for all the days this long weekend once it has ended. So hang on for that.


In the  meantime I really felt like I needed to blog about the ups and downs of dieting, and by that I mean those days were you are feeling unmotivated or others are de-motivating you, or you just feel like you are DOOMED! Ever had that feeling? I am sure you have. 

Well, unfortunately it is a huge part of the whole dieting gig.  I mean for starters you decide to go on a diet/workout regime or whatever route you choose to take and you want it to work however deep down you are questioning it, will it work, how long will it take etc. I definitely can admit that I have and sometimes still feel this way. Then when you start the diet you are constantly searching to see results, which guess what? You cannot see! Uh what a let down. Now your like is it working, am I wasting my time. Or how about you are losing weight or inches and you cannot physically see a difference. Is it actually working?

 It is at this point where the doomed feeling comes in. You start feeling like you are stuck this way. You will never lose the weight. Your body is meant to be like this. All of these words are so close to me. I've said or thought them a million times.  This moment is the down of dieting because when you hit rock bottom, there is no where else to go but up. 

You need to motivate yourself or be around others who are motivating.  I am going to be corny by quoting but I actually like quotes, especially I can relate to them and they can uplift me. So here goes, as Eleanor Roosevelt said "You must do the thing you think you cannot do". Just for a little education, she was the FIRST lady of the U.S.  This quote is so so true , when I relate it to myself I think about my life. I think about how I have done many things, got into university, became bilingual etc. but all these things I thought I could do. Dieting, losing weight, that is something that for whatever the reason I think I cannot do.  So you not what I need to do? I need to take Eleanor's advice, I think I cannot diet and lose the weight, so I am going to do it. I do not care what it takes, the ups and the downs but I am going to do it! and you can too!

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the air plane takes off  against the wind, not with it"-Henry Ford


1 comment:

  1. You would be cheesy with the quotes, but nice post. I totally understand. Your post is similar to my last one before yours, in that we have both felt ups and downs. But just know that you've done awesome thus far and have seen good results and that keeping it up will only get you closer and closer to your goals!!
