Tuesday 26 June 2012

Official Day 1 - Dahlia

Day 1

This morning at 6:30 am I walked into a medical clinic feeling anxious and excited at the same time. I was greeted by a team of nurses who took my completed health forms, weighed me and took my height. 

After a few administrative tasks I was asked by one of the nurses to follow her into  a separate room. This room was very small and consisted of one chair and storage and sink etc. comparable to a doctor's room. She advised me that because I am over a certain number I am in a category that means that I need to have additional medical attention and that I will be meeting with a doctor outside of Bernstein in a few weeks to get tests and check up by him and then I will also be meeting with a Bernstein doctor to do additional testing and to meet with him every few weeks. After hearing that news, I was put in a reality check, I am VERY overweight. Not just a few pounds here and there but really overweight. She then proceeded to check my blood pressure and do my measurements. She then advised me that with this program you lose 7-10lbs every 2 weeks, she thus said that on July 10 we have a goal of 7-10 lbs and then continue by the same every 2 weeks.

In this next section, myself along with another new member, sat and had our consultation where the nurse went over exactly what the diet entailed, what supplements to take etc. This was also the time to ask any questions. It was here when I had my second realization, as I was told that although this diet consists of 2 servings from each food section, I need to have 3 from each section and then later drop down to 2. I was happy that they wanted a better adjustment for my body and it made me confident in their expertise but it was yet again another tell tale sign of my problem.

Finally this appointment comes to an end with the "B-Sting" as they call it. Now  I head back to the private room for my "B-Sting", a.k.a the injection. She told me it would not hurt to put it in but that right after you get a sting similar to a bee sting , which is the fluid going into your system. This was the most fearful part for me. I heard all these stories about bruising, soreness and pain and now it was my turn to experience it for myself. I pulled down the right side of my pants to show my buttocks, she said "are you ready?" and then prick! I got the injection. Then a second later she says "Done!". "That's it?" I said. I was so worked up about this injection and it turns out it was nothing, yes there was stinging after, but for only 15 secs or so. If this was the brunt of it then, bring it on!

After leaving the private room I was ready to go on my way. I left with some of the purchased vitamins, a lot of information brochures, requisitions for tests and blood work BUT the most important and life changing thing  I left with was this feeling that is unexplainable. I went downstairs and went on the subway to head to work and while I was sitting down, I was smiling.  I could not stop. I felt like I had just achieved something. I felt like I finally took the right step towards a better me. I kept thinking I am going to lose the weight this time, this is the last time I will look like this. I can be like her, looking at a girl on the subway, and her, looking at another. 

Today is June 26, 2012 and this is the day my life will change.

1 comment:

  1. WOW. You should be a motivational writer haha. This is the second time I've read one of your posts and have started feeling emotional by the end of it! I thin you went in fearing a lot and were nervous but look how good you came out of it. And by July 10th they are saying your goal is to lose 7-10 pounds? That's incredible!!

    I'm sure all the tests seem daunting as well as meeting with doctor's but it is all part of your lifestyle change, and its all something I know you can accomplish!!

    You've done the bernstein type diet before which means i know you can stick to it!! I'm so proud of you and I know you will reach your goals! Just don't ever give up, and if you ever feel like it, I'm right by your side lifting you back up!
