Thursday 21 June 2012

Khizer's first week-ish + goals

Okay so although Dahlia has paced a little faster than me in posting her goals and her meals for the last day, I have not forgotten. Who knew Dahlia would be such a keen blogger!?! Ha!

Anyways, so first off I'll start off with my goals for the summer and then I'll explain what I have done so far to reach it and what my short-term goals are to attain this goal!


So my long term and overall goal is to be healthy and fit, which I believe is what everyone really strives for. However, breaking that goal down into smaller short term goals, my number one priority is to lose my belly weight and to get a flat stomach. Despite being a regular at the gym since late 2011, I focused more on weights than I did cardio. Thus, I've developed more muscle and content with that, but I haven't done much for my stomach which to me is very important and is going to be my major focus this summer!


Starting Monday June 25th, I'll be heading to Harvard University to do a 6 week program. As a result, in those 6 weeks I plan on making a big leap towards my goal!

To achieve this goal I have two major steps: eat less and healthier, work out more.  Like mentioned above, despite going to the gym for the last 6 months, focusing more on weights didn't help my cardio nor did it help my diet. I would always say I'd like to eat better, but really it would turn into a "tomorrow I'll officially start". Tomorrow never came. So not only do I want to improve my diet by eating less and more healthy, I also want to spend more time working out on my cardio rather than just muscle. So I plan to take more walks, jog, skipping, as well as treadmills when the days don't permit me to go out.


This past week,  has been my unofficial start to my goal. I figured before starting on Monday when I begin my program at Harvard, I'd ease into eating better and getting more cardio. That way its not an all of a sudden lifestyle change.

While being in Toronto since Monday with my parents, I have found myself eating way less and in a much healthier form than I used to.


From Monday all the way to today, my breakfast has consisted of a cup of tea with some milk and no sugar with a bit of a light wafer cookie (minus today I had one chocolate chip cookie).


Then each day, I've been having a lunch which consisted of a home made chicken burger on a bagel with salad on Monday, sushi buffet on Tuesday, spinach and potatoes on Wednesday, and an omelette with pancakes and a bagel today.


For dinner, on Monday I had cauliflower with some Pakistani naan bread type  thing called roti which is actually a bit lighter.  On Tuesday, it was a similar deal with some carrots and peas included in the mix as well as some rice. Last night, dinner was rupini (spinach type green ground and cooked with some garlic and ginger) with some biryani.


My biggest weakness has to be late night snacking which tends to be the worst habit of mine as it normally consists of chips or ice cream or one of those horrible junk foods. That perhaps might be my biggest challenge to overcome. So on Monday, my snacking consisted of mangos and watermelons which isn't too bad. However at night when I watched some TV, I had some cheetos. Tuesday, my snacking was mangos, however at night when I watched TV again, I had ice cream! Last night, my snacking was mangos, pears, and watermelons, and when I watched TV at night, I had just water!! #accomplishment.


Another one of my weakness is drinking sugary fluids like pop and very sweet juices. The one thing I can proudly attest for is drinking none of those since Monday! Since Monday, I have been drinking only water for the main part, as well as tea with no added sugar or anything else. On Monday and Wednesday, I did have watermelon juice, but it was homemade with no added sugar either. On Monday night, I had a coffee misto with some caramel syrup which was the only thing that made that drink a bit bad. Yesterday, I had a nonfat, no whip, chai cream frappucino light, which I regret as well. Today the only thing I had that was a bit sweet was a mango shake, however like the watermelon juice, it was homemade and consisted of just mangos and milk, nothing else.

Working Out

Since Monday, my cardio has consisted of walking daily. Monday was perhaps the longest walk I did which was about an hour and was almost like a farmers walk as I carried groceries for half an hour of that walk. I also walked in the evening that day for about 20 minutes when I picked up my dad from work. Tuesday was similar as I went for a walk with my mom and dad when I got my dad from work which was about 20 minutes as well. Yesterday, I went for a walk with my mom for about 45 minutes also and this morning I went for a 30 minute walk when I walked my dad to the bus stop.

In addition, last night I did 50 push ups, 45 squats, and a mere 15 crunches. My back was hurting so the crunches weren't helping the case so I didn't do any reps of those.


This week hasn't been any big contribution towards my goal but it is definitely a start. Although I have had some slip ups with my snacking and drinks, its impossible to completely revert to an extreme diet right away. Same goes with the cardio. Although I would like to jog more, getting in the habit of taking a walk every day is a good way to cross into jogging every day when I get to Harvard. I'm proud of my eating habits and how they've gotten much better this week. I plan to get them even better once I'm at Cambridge.

Sorry this post was a bit long...I'm accounting for 3 days in one post!! However, when I officially start at Harvard, I will make sure I post shorter posts daily!!

I'll try and post a picture this week too so that we can do a before and after comparison in 6 weeks.

Till next time,

Au Revoir!

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