Friday 29 June 2012

Day 5 - Khizer (Demotivation and Motivation!)

Hello! I figure before I go to bed I'll make a quick post on my day because it has been rather interesting. This morning I woke up feeling very demotivated. Unlike Dahlia who has been losing weight and achieving great results this week, I feel like I've been stuck in a rut. Since Monday, and even last week, I've been eating a lot healthier and have been more active than I usually am. The last five days, as you can see on the blog, I've been making a very conscious effort to monitor my eating as well as remain active through jogging. Doing that for 5 days, but not looking and feeling any smaller, has been a bit depressing. I decided perhaps I need to do a diet like Dahlia's where you get B12 injections etc. Its not that I don't believe I can attain my goal on my own, but I really want to meet a specific deadline of August 1st to be lean. Anyways, I'll get to more of that, IF, I do decide such a diet. In the meantime, here's my daily intake:


I didn't go for a jog this morning but did have a similar breakfast to yesterday where I had a glass of milk with a bowl of greek yogurt with grapes, strawberries and blueberries. No bananas today.

I walked to campus after that and was walking quite a bit for the rest of the day till I came home from lunch which was around 5:30 PM.


I made my typical sandwich again (whole wheat/grain bread, a slice of swiss, two slices of chicken, lettuce, and honey mustard) with a glass of Diet Green tea.


Around 11:00 I had a late dinner. This was a reheat of the ground beef with mushrooms, swiss, onions, and tomatoes, with a glass of water.

Because I had a late dinner, I could NOT, just go to sleep soon after. I didn't do my jog, and despite it being almost 12 by then, I had to make sure I got out, even for a little bit...

SO, I went for a jog around 12:06 am and did my normal route. Here is where the motivational part comes in; I finished my jog in an even 20 minutes doing my normal route!! This normally takes me about 25 minutes so I beat 5 minutes off my route. This was done mainly because I had much larger intervals of jogging and very little of walking. My walking intervals were very short, and I was just so motivated to keep jogging! This was huge as at the beginning of the week my cardio was pretty bad, but slowly and slowly I've been building it up, and today was just a proof of how slowly I did work my cardio up much strong. This was a huge motivation from the morning as maybe I didn't see results in my stomach, but I do know that all my jogs have helped my cardio get better! I'm really excited as I type this as I hope to daily try and do longer and longer intervals!!

This was a great end to a day especially since it started off with me feeling a bit down regarding my weight. So, let's see where this takes us!!

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