Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 1 - Khizer

Once again, Dahlia has totally beat me to the punch posting two amazing blogs in a row! Who knew that after losing her blogging virginity she'd become so active? I guess that's the way it goes with every virginity ha!

So my official first day was yesterday, June 25th, 2012 as it was also my first day of class at Harvard. Here's a breakdown of what I did:


I woke up around 7:45 am and ate a banana for a quick breakfast. After this, while letting it digest a little, I changed and got ready to go for a jog. Around a quarter past 8 I went for a 23 minute interval jog around the river right by my house. The river consists of 4 main bridges, and I would use each bridge as an interval between walking and jogging. This would not only help me boost up my cardio, but was also great for getting the heart rate up and down which, from what I've heard, is a great trigger to weight loss.

Once I came back home I changed and relaxed and had my "proper" breakfast. That consisted of some blueberries plus a glass of non-fat milk.


At 12:00 pm, my first class was to start and go from 12-3. Thus I left home a bit earlier as I had some errands to run before class. I walked about 15 minutes to Harvard Square (campus) where I got an umbrella due to the rain. After this, I walked closer towards my class and stopped at a Starbucks by my class to pick up a drink. As a huge coffee drinker, I knew I couldn't keep drinking my mistos featuring steamed milk and caramel syrup. However, I still needed my coffee so I simply got a grande Indivisible blend coffee roast. Black. Despite hating black coffee before, as my coffee palette has grown, its actually grown to be something I quite like.

This coffee lasted me until about 3:00 pm.

My next class was from 3:15 to 6:15, so I had another 3 hours interval. During my class break around 4:45, I picked up a Mediterranean wrap from a local convenience store. Although, I didn't want to purchase from outside, this morning I didn't have enough time to cook up a lunch. However, I made sure to get the healthiest wrap and this was it. It was a pita that featured grilled chicken, lettuce, feta cheese, and black olives.  I ate half of a full wrap.


My next class was from 6:30 to 9:30 and thus, I needed another coffee. Again, I got a grande black coffee and walked to class. During class, I ate the second half of the wrap.

After class was over, I had to walk back home, however this took a bit longer than the average 15 minute as there was a lot of rain and thunder. Once I did get home around 10:30, I was still a little hungry seeing as I didn't have a significant amount to eat.

At this point, I was SO close to breaking my diet and just getting some junk to eat, but I knew if I wanted to achieve my goal, I needed more self-regulation and control. I also have the bad habit of snacking at night / while eating TV. So, I reached a happy medium and had a few carrot sticks with fat free cream cheese as well as a glass of water before I went to sleep.

Overall, there were pros and cons to my first day. I was proud of myself for waking up and going for a jog as well as eating a much healthier diet than I'm used to. I wasn't happy with how I had to buy from outside, and I also know I needed more protein in my diet that day. I'm hoping that this is what I'll improve over the next few days. The first day was a bit harder as I did have 9 hours of back to back classes, however, one of those classes will be out of the picture by next week and thus it will change things.

That's all for now, I'll check in again tonight or early tomorrow with an update for today!!

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