Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 2 - Khizer

Alright so I thought I'd beat Dahlia today and post before heading to bed! I think I succeeded.

Today was an amazing second day, and I feel very accomplished today! Here's the low down:


I got up a bit later today, but still made sure to get my jog in. Pre-jog I had a banana, just like yesterday.  Today, I went further with my jog, and added an extra 10 minutes to my time while also beating and doing larger intervals. Thus, I went from a 25 to 35 minute total run today. The weather was so perfect after the rain last night that it was a very enjoyable run! I've posted some pictures of myself and of the jogging route to give a general idea of where I go in the morning.

After my jog, I came home and just like yesterday, I had some blueberries and milk to complete my breakfast.
The red building with the windows is where I live!

The starting of the 4 bridges on my jogging route. 

My jogging route!

The second of four bridges on my jogging route. 

A little hidden spot by the water. 

Despite looking angry, I was actually content!

Canadian Geese in the USA, I thought it was funny!


After doing some more cardio by walking to and from school, I came home and made myself a proper lunch today. This consisted of a chicken sandwich made of whole wheat/whole grain bread, some red lettuce, some honey mustard, a slice of swiss cheese, and 2 slices of deli meat low fat chicken breast. This was accompanied by a glass of water and followed by 2 scoops of greek yogurt mixed with some blueberries and chopped strawberries.

Lunch time!
I also wanted to mention that my walk home was a more intense walk as I carried over 50lbs worth of shopping the whole way. It was almost like a farmer's walk!

After my heavy walk home!

In the evening, I finally made a proper dinner as well. Not a specific recipe, I put together a skillet featuring onions, tomatoes, asparagus and chicken breast. This was seasoned with some salt, pepper, lemon, some rice vinegar and olive oil. For just being a quick put together, it was actually very delicious! I made enough and it will be my dinner again tomorrow.

Post dinner, I went to the gym in my building with the intention to do weights. However, since the machine was occupied, I did a quick 10 minute interval session on an elliptical and came back upstairs to do some push ups and crunches. Thus, I did 50 push ups and 100 crunches.

So that was my day!! The second day was already better than the first. I'm loving the jogging every morning and I'm hoping as it progresses I'll significantly improve my cardio level and meet my goal soon! I do hope to go in to do proper weights soon!

Till tomorrow!

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