Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 2- Dahlia

Day 2- Dahlia

Yesterday was a good day for me. I was able to reduce carbs and sugar and be a little closer to the Bernstein diet. I have to start the diet on Thursday a.k.a tomorrow. For the past 2 days I am getting closer and closer to the diet.

Yesterday I ate an egg on a piece of crispbread for breakfast. For snacks I had an apple, greek yogurt. For lunch I had a cauliflower soup with salad and a sprite zero. For dinner I made a scrambled eggs with peppers, onions, and chicken.

Although not perfect it definitely was a step in the right direction.

This morning I had yet another appointment at Dr Bernstein. I went in excited for my next injection, but not really thinking about the weigh in as it had just been 24 hrs. Little did I know I was about to find out that I lost 2.6lbs! I was ecstatic! It was already working! This gave me such a big boost of confidence!

I received a double dose of the injection as I have to wait till Friday to go in next. I hope Friday when I weigh in I will be equally happy with the results!

The nurse also checked my urine sample for ketones and said that my body is burning fat already.

What an amazing start!

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