Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 3 - Khizer

Yesterday was another day on the diet for me, however it was a little different.

In the morning, I was actually a bit too lazy to go on my jog, however it was also because I slept late the previous night and I had to rush to campus. However, I did wake up and have my breakfast which consisted of strawberries and blueberries with greek yogurt and a glass of non-fat milk.

For lunch, I packed a sandwich which, like the previous day, featured two slices of chicken, a slice of swiss cheese, some lettuce, and honey mustard between whole wheat / whole grain bun. This lunch was accompanied by an Iced-Venti Unsweetened Black Tea from Starbucks. This no sugar thing is killing me, especially with Starbucks' drinks but I'm trying to build my self control and exercise good habits!

Once home from school, I ate a banana for some energy and then went on a 20-minute jog in the evening. I beat some of my intervals, and thus I was able to do the run in a shorter time frame than I normally would. However, I also out one of the four bridges yesterday hence why it was 20 instead of a 25-30 minute run.

For dinner, I simply had the left over chicken with asparagus I made the night before with a glass of water.

I think the hardest part for me is still the snacking. I don't mind the healthy foods, but then when it comes to snacking, I'm definitely missing out on some of my favourite snacks. Its hard to keep up and not cave in especially with so much temptation around, but as with Dahlia, I think we both will learn self control out of this. 


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