Monday 25 June 2012

Dahlia's "final" Day

The Final Day

Today is an important day for me as it marks an end and a beginning. Today is the last day of what I will begin to call my former eating habits and the commencement of a new way of eating that maximizes weight loss, which will be the Dr. Bernstein diet.

Tomorrow I will begin to blog daily, my feelings and thoughts about the diet and my progression. I will be writing detailed what I am eating daily and every few days I will record my weight loss. I will also add photos of my starting weight and tell you what my goal is.

This will NOT be an easy journey but it is one that I am looking forward to because it is long overdue. It is not fair to myself and my body to be overweight and I cannot wait until I am healthier again.

June 26,2012 commences a new me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm already so proud of you! You're going to do great!
