Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 3-Dahlia

Day 3-Dahlia

 Me again!

So I am getting in the habit of updating which is good.

Yesterday I ate:

Kavli Crisp Thin x3 with 95% fat free cream cheese

2 apples

peppermint tea/ 1 can sprite zero

chili with salad

mini unsweetened apple sauce


3/4 cup egg beaters with vegetables and 1 Kraft no fat cheese slice

Today I do not have to go to Bernstein, so what I weigh is a mystery to me but I am being so cautious because I loved my first weigh in results and I want to see more like that.

I want to stress that this has NOT been easy. I find that because there is such a restriction on what I can eat that I am finding it hard to be in places that have food because it is a tease. Grocery shopping I like quick and fast, I know what I need , get it and leave. Even the subway is annoying because every morning I walk by fresh Cinnabon to get to work and all other food places. So it is super important that I pack enough food so that I am never hungry and in a situation like that. Although I believe I do have more self-control it is still difficult. Even yesterday at the office one of the partners bought Doughnuts for everyone there was atleast 24 of them, so I closed my office door and stayed away as everyone ate them. I was not going to let a 30 second enjoyment of a doughnut ruin my weight loss progress.

Well that is all for now!
I will check in tomorrow post-Bernstein appointment! :)



1 comment:

  1. Self-control is probably the hardest thing about both of us doing this diet and its probably going to be our biggest challenge. But just like exercising and building muscle, you also build self-control and the more you practice it the better you'll do.

    Soon, you'll be passing by the Cinnabon's and won't have to resist self-control because it won't even appear to be a temptation.

    The first week is always the hardest for adjustments, but you can do it!
