Sunday 1 July 2012

Day 6 - Khizer (crash)

Yesterday I had a horrible day. As mentioned on the Day 5 post, after a week of good eating and exercising, seeing minimal results made me a bit disappointed. Disappointed to the extent that I wanted to try a similar diet approach to that of Dahlia's. So as mentioned before, I found a clinic in Watertown which was about an hour and fifteen minutes away by walk from my apartment and I decided I would try that as my last option.

So, I went to the clinic and they told me I wasn't qualified because my weight was fine and my bMI was fine as well. A fat content is normally between 8-20 and I was at 20 but that was fine. I was so disappointed. I know the rest of my body is healthy and fine, but having a little belly is horrible for me. A belly doesn't mean "fine", it means there's obviously some fat there. Perhaps there's more fat there and less in other areas and so it evens up my index, but to me what matters most is my belly and that's what I want to rid of by August 1st.

Being denied the clinic, especially after walking for over an hour so excited, was just such a downer that I was angry. I felt like there was no more hope left and that I tried everything. It took me a while to cool down, actually, after getting home and making a quick omelette, I went to bed and didn't wake up till this morning.

Anyways, I'm going to try and see if there's any trainers who can work specifically on my stomach with me and guarantee some results. In the meantime, I've decided to go a bit stricter on my diet and follow the Bernstein a little more by cutting out additional foods and monitoring portions even more. I also got a weight loss supplement that consists of a bunch of vitamins like B6, B12, similar to the injections that Dahlia gets, but lower in dosage to try and help boost the weight loss. Let's see what happens.

Anyways here's what I ate yesterday:

Morning --> I had just one Banana

Lunch / Snack --> I bought a 90-calorie, health-wise Special K bar

Dinner ---> I had another one of those bars, plus I made an omelette with 3 eggs, some spinach, two slices of swiss cheese, onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms, with a slice of the whole grain bread. Was delicious!! I had this with a glass of diet iced green tea.

Yesterday was the first day I didn't go for a jog, HOWEVER, I also walked for over 3.5 hours yesterday. I left the home around 10:45 am to get to the clinic by about 12. After that, I walked from the clinic over to a grocery shop that was about 40 minutes, and then another 45-60 minutes to another grocery shop, and then from there home which was about 40 minutes. So by the time I was home and ate, I was pooped and I don't think my legs could handle it.

I do think however, that I did the same amount of cardio as I would have done with jogging regardless!

Anyways, I'll post later today some new groceries I got as well as my meals for today.

1 comment:

  1. That is super positive that your bmi is healthy. I feel like you are headed in the right direction and will acheive your goals!
