Thursday 12 July 2012

Day 15, 16, 17, 18 - Khizer

I guess I've made this habit to amalgamate posts into one giant one. I think this is my worst yet, and what's worse is I think I may have even forgotten some of what I ate!! Okay so I'm going to try my hardest to remember!


Breakfast - I think I had something very small, I believe it was a slice of toast with some fat free cream cheese and some sugar free jam.

Lunch  - Okay, so here is where I feel like I kinda cheated. Because my breakfast was tiny, I had a bigger lunch that I bought. I think its the first time I've bought a meal since I started here or since that soup on Friday. Anyways, it was little whole wheat dumplings filled with cabbage and some other vegetables. They weren't horrible, and they were boiled, not fried but I felt kind of bad. Although, I only had half the serving, so that was a little better. I had this with Sprite Zero. My first pop in forever!

Dinner - I had my left over soup from Sunday with some green tea. And a granola bar as a snack.

Oh, although I promised to go for a jog, I was so tired by the end of the day that I didn't! :(


Breakfast - My last egg! I made an egg in a basket with Wonder's healthy bread. It's even healthier than the whole grain I've been having, and tastes better! The rest of the bread, I put some jam with some cream cheese. Was delicious.

Lunch - I was out again today and so I bought some chilli. Because chilli has lots of sodium, and kidney beans, I decided to not add any salt or have any crackers with it. I had some vitamin water zero this, and a white chocolate healthy granola bar.

Dinner - I made some cauliflower! I basically cooked it with some soy sauce, salt, pepper, cayenne, cilantro, and garlic. Was delicious.

Snack - A little granola bar.

Oh, and today I finally went for a jog again today. Did my full 20-25 minute routine with some nice intervals. Felt good to finally get back to jogging!!


Breakfast - I had a slice of toast with sugar free jam and some cream cheese.

Lunch - I had half of a protein bar. I had another one handy, but only had half. I also got an Iced Venti Unsweetened Passion tea from Starbucks. Free, btw. They gave me a partner beverage!!

Dinner - I came home and had my left over cauliflower, and a piece of granola bar.

Because of the long day, I didn't have enough time to go for a jog.


Okay, finally up to date!

Breakfast- I woke a bit later so my breakfast and lunch occurred at the same time.

Lunch - I had a protein bar.

Dinner - I made a chicken dish. No idea what it's called. LOL, I basically cut some chicken strips, cooked it in a pan with some pepper, and cayenne. I added some soy, rice vinegar, hot sauce, mustard and pureed celery to the mix and let it cook for a bit. It was pretty good. Could have used some salt, but its best not to have lots of sodium anyways, so I did myself a favour. I had this with a glass of green tea!

Today, I was also able to go for a jog and squeeze in a nice workout. I only went for a 15 minute jog, BUT, I went back and hit the gym for some weights. I did a quick little power work out, where I did 3 sets of 15 pushups, lat pull downs, bicep curls, and crunches. Normally I'm able to do 30 crunches per set, but I stalled at 15 the first time, and 12 the following two times. Not sure what happened, but didn't want to force anything.  I felt really good after I did that. I'm going to try and do some quick little workouts like that every day or every other day. Keep everything in check!


First of all, I apologize for posting so late. Been a busy week with school with midterms around the corner. Second, I honestly don't feel myself losing anything, but I feel good that I'm eating better and that I'm jogging etc. So, I'm going to let it slide and just hope that slowly and slowly I can lose weight. Also, similar to Dahl, I've also started to get less of an appetite. For example, today I had a protein bar in the morning, and it kept me full all day! I had chicken, but I definitely could have done without, but I made sure to incorporate some protein before I slept. This is probably a good thing I hope!

Anyways, I'll try to keep up to date with my posts daily and not once or twice a week with a bunch of posts haha. 

Till then,


1 comment:

  1. Finally!!!!
    A little late :P
    I love that you eat cream cheese and jam on toast i need to try this! haha
    sounds like you have alot of variety to ur food and that is good for two reasons, you wont get cravings because you wont be bored, and your body wont plateau.
    I am going to try to broaden my food choice as well.
    keep up the good work!
