Saturday 14 July 2012

DAY 19 & 20 - Khizer

Ok so these last two days were almost identical in terms of eating for me.

Friday - Day 19

For breakfast, because two slices actually mean one, I had two slices of toast. One was with sugar free jam and fat free cream cheese and the other was with some mustard and hot sauce

Sweet and Sour!

For lunch, I was hungry and went to a little supermarket called Broadway's and made my own salad. It was with spinach, mixed greens, green olives, and feta with some balsamic dressing. I added a bit of a crab salad too for some protein!

For dinner, I made spinach, celery and broccoli. As I had previously pureed celery, I decided to make a green skillet, and cooked some chop spinach with the broccoli and decided that the celery would be a nice zing. With some spices added to it, it was delicious! Normally, when my mom makes me spinach, she makes them with potatoes, as that is the traditional recipe, however with the broccoli being a part of it, the texture was almost like a replacement for the potatoes!

As a snack, I had three granola bars (three different times).

In terms of fitness, I went for a 23 minute run. I have decided on a new method of tracking time. I will do the same route with the same intervals daily, and see if I ever beat my total time. After the jog, I came back and did the same workout as Thursday which was 3 sets of 15 pushups, sit ups, biceps, and lats. Was a good day!

Oh and my beverages consisted of diet Green tea, diet Powerade and water!

Saturday - Day 20

Almost identical, but less.

For breakfast, I made the same toast as yesterday.

I skipped lunch, and had two granola bars through the day, and then for dinner I had some left over spinach.

All this with lots of Green tea.

Because I didn't have lunch, I'm now getting really hungry and so I might have a celery stick, or maybe chop up some salad!

Anyways, I'll post again tomorrow!

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