Wednesday 11 July 2012

Day 16- Dahlia

Day 16- Dahlia

So recently when dinner time rolls around I have little to no appetite. This is a good sign though because the nurse told me this means my body is in Ketosis and I am burning. Even though not hungry I must still try to eat all my portions.

So here is what I ate:
Breakfast- 1 egg on crispbread
Lunch- 3 pieces bread and jam, 75 gchicken    <---- Huge mistake, I did not look up portions and that was double the bread intake i can have in one day!!!!!!!!!!! do not mistake that mistake again!!!!!!!
Snack-apple sauce, red pepper, cucumber
Dinner- Tuna with onion and celery on 1 crispbread and 1 pickle

So this morning I weighed in and lost 1.4lbs. This means I am 4.8 lbs from my first personal goal of 20lbs.
I have 2 more weigh ins to reach this goal. I am going to try to lose as much as I can! If I dont reach the goal by Tuesday I will still reach it really soon and that is very important to me! I am so proud of how well I have done!

Chat soon,

1 comment:

  1. Aw good job! I find myself losing appetite as well. That's good!

    And I'm sure if you don't lose it by Tuesday, you will soon enough! So proud!
