Wednesday 4 July 2012

Day 9-Dahlia

Day 9- Dahlia

Breakfast-Dr B protein shake
Lunch-3.5 oz chicken, 4 oz salad
Snacks- Goji Pop tea (David's tea), unsweetened apple sauce, 1tbsp cream cheese and 3 pieces crispbread
Dinner- 75 g sliced, precooked chicken, 8oz miracle noodles, onion, hot sauce, garlic

So this morning I went to Bernstein again in the morning since Monday was a holiday this week I go tues wed fri. Today however was the first time I saw a fluctuation. Today my weight increased by 0.8lb. I instantly felt sad when I saw that not only did I not lose I gained. I tried to reassure myself that I was just weighed yesterday and that this was bound to happen sometimes and that Friday I will see a loss. However, it was not working. In the room the nurse checks my urine sample and tells me that I am still burning really good and that the burning is a better indicator then weight on the scale. She said if I am burning it means I am eating right and that I am losing. She said the .8 could be water retention etc and not to worry about it. I felt a little better about the burning but still left with a feeling I never had when leaving there before. Normally I leave, send out texts etc. all proud of my accomplishment. Today however I took the walk of shame in silence to the subway, past the cinnabon, and up into my office.

One positive is that it will make me very strict for the next two days as I want to see a difference Friday.

Also at the appointment the results came back for my blood work, my sugar levels were normal which I was happy about because everyone is always like you could be borderline/diabetic etc. However it did show high level of uric acid and cholesterol levels. The nurse thinks that the cholesterol is because I ate eggs that morning when the blood work was done so Friday I am going in fasting and getting blood work re-done in order to confirm the results. Also Friday I will be taking in my first evening urine sample as they said I am burning good in the morning, now they want to see if I am still burning at night. They said most people are negative at night, but they want to check.

In addition, today had another FIRST. I was able to get my first shot in the stomach instead of the butt. I found the pain was the same, maybe a bit less. The only think is it is softer tissue so definitely gets a bruise. So I will keep trying it out and see how it goes etc.

Alright so for the first time I will ATTEMPT photos:

Yay! It arrived!

Low Carb Grocery


Miracle Noodles

Miracle Noodles with chicken, onion, hot sauce and 2 piece crispbread


  1. bout time you posted pictures!! they look great! :)

    tasty too!

    so proud!

  2. and don't worry about the 0.8, like she said, its nothing to worry about, at all!! you're doing just great!!
