Thursday 5 July 2012

Day 10- Dahlia

Day 10- Dahlia

Alright so right off the bat I am going to describe my meals.

Breakfast- Dr B protein shake, 1/2 apple
Lunch- Miracle noodles, chicken breast slices, with hot sauce
Snacks- cantaloupe, apple sauce, 2 pieces of toast with cream cheese
Dinner- Blue Water haddock, asparagus, zucchini cooked with garlic

Today is Thursday, so weight wise/ Bernstein wise I have no reports. Tomorrow is a little different, as usual  I head to Bernstein in the morning but this time they want me to bring an evening urine sample. They want me to do this so that they can check to see if I am burning at night, every morning sample I brought was burning very good, at night however they said most do not burn. I guess we will find out tomorrow if I am or not. Also they received my blood work results back and when it was done it was random and therefore I did not fast. Everything came out as normal minus uric acid and cholesterol. The nurse thinks that this may be because I ate eggs that morning so tomorrow I am going to be getting blood work done again but this time I have to fast before. So hopefully it comes out normal which I think it would as in the past I have never had it high or anything. I am not looking forward to this though because my veins hide and last time it was so painful because they had to use a deep vein! :( *dragon pout*

Other than that I am hoping that tomorrow weigh in will show a loss. It definitely should as I have been sticking to the eating and taking all the vitamins.

On va voir!


1 comment:

  1. Aww *dragon pout* ; made me miss you so much more!! Post your new blogs!!
