Tuesday 3 July 2012

Day 5, 6, 7, 8 - Dahlia

Days 5 to 8 - Dahlia

 This weekend for us Canadians was the Canada day long weekend and therefore I was not able to fully keep up with my blogging needs. I am thus posting a blog for days 5-8.

Day 5
Breakfast- 1/2 portion of eggs with mushrooms and onion and hot sauce, and 1/2 Dr Bernstein protein shake
Lunch-Chicken salad
Snacks-3 slice cheese on 3 pieces of crispbread
Dinner-  salmon salad

Day 6
Breakfast- 2 pieces body wise bread with 1 slice cheese
Lunch-Dr Bernstein protein shake, salad
Snacks-Apple x2 one cut with cinnamon, strawberries//blueberries,
Dinner-Steak and salad

Day 7
Breakfast-eggs on 1 slice bread
Lunch-chicken, salad
Snacks-cantalope, blueberries, apple
Dinner-chicken, grilled zuchinni

Day 8
Breakfast- omelette with mushrooms, onion and hot sauce
Lunch- Chicken, Salad
Snacks-blueberries, apple x2
Dinner-Dr. Bernstein protein shake, 3 slice crispbread with cream cheese

Now for the results, this morning I weighed in and I lost 3.2 lbs. I have thus lost 10.2lbs in the first week. I have therefore beat my 2 week goal of 7-10 lbs. I am therefore setting a new personal goal for my 2 weeks. I was supposed to achieve my first mini goal by July 11,2012. Today is the 3rd and I want to try to lose a total of  15-18  lbs by July 11,2012, as my NEW two week goal. This would be an amazing goal to achieve as the first few weeks you lose very fast but then it slows down, so if i can maximize my weight loss during this time it will make up for the lag in the future.

I also wanted to share some news which is that I was told I can reach my goal weight by the new year of 2013. This is AMAZING for me to hear for a few reasons. One obviously being that this is really exciting and is only 6 or so months away so that is not that long considering how much I need to lose. Second that means I get to start a new me at the start of a new year, fits so perfectly with new years resolutions etc. Thirdly I will be how I want to be just in time for my 2 year anniversary! :) I am so happy!:)
When I achieve this goal I will definitely be booking a February reading week vacation!!!!!


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