Thursday 12 July 2012

Day 14 - Khizer

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

2 weeks down!

Today was an okay day. I didn't quite had breakfast, instead I had a larger "brunch". I decided I would try and make some tuna cakes. I got a can of tuna and mixed in some chopped celery, cilantro, cayenne, black pepper, salt, some hot sauce, some lemon juice, and some spinach and made them into little cakes, dipped them in egg and then dipped them in some matzoh mix and fried them on a pan.

I made a little greek yogurt dip for these. The greek yogurt is non fat, and is low on carb, and very low on calories. I added some lemon juice, pepper, cilantro, and some hot sauce, and it was the perfect dip for the cakes!! I had this with some green tea.

I had a bit of a break between brunch and dinner. I didn't go for a jog per say, but I want for a long walk from campus, to home with some groceries, and I that's how I got my exercise in. I know, I know, slacker, but I've actually been feeling sick for the last few days, and thus its kinda affected me going for a physical jog. Between today/tomorrow, I'm going to try and go.

I had a healthy 2 granola bars between lunch and dinner, and then for dinner I made a home made soup. It was my first time making soup from scratch like this, but it turned out amazing. It was a chicken and vegetable soup with some celery and carrots. I know carrots aren't allowed, but like my predicament with the grapes, I didn't want to throw them out, and so I thought in a soup they'd be better consumed. No more, I promise!!

Anyways, 2 weeks down, and I'm still staying generally consistent. I need to get back to jogging, but I know the last few days that I didn't go, it wasn't because I didn't want to and its because I did incorporate some other form of exercise. Today, I will try and go out if I'm feeling better, but if not, I will go tomorrow for sure!

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