Friday 13 July 2012

Day 17 &18 DAHLIA

Day 17& 18 - Dahlia

Day 17
B-1 egg, crispbread
L-grilled zucchini
3 piece crispbread and tuna with celery and onion, 1 tbsp 1/2 fat mayo
S-2 dill pickles, unsweetened apple sauce
D-tuna cucumber onion on crispbread

Day 18
B- 1 egg, crispbread
L-melba toast, tuna
S-unsweetened apple sauce, strawberries
D-3/4 cup egg creations which 1 slice cheese and hot sauce

Alright so as you can see I had very little variety, however I was happy because I became obsessed with tuna haha. But as I can see in my results today which was 0.6 lbs, i think it is better to eat as many different proteins as you can so that your body is constantly peaking.  Regardless I am very happy, I am down 15.8lbs and next week is my 3rd week so I get to do measurements which I am excited for. I also think that I wont be able to lose the 4.2lbs to hit 20 by Monday weigh in BUT I believe I will be hitting it next week, which is awesome, and I am happy for that!

Today I had my first appt with the Bernstein doctor. She was amazing made me feel very confident. She told me how I will acheive my goal and how I need to think of this as a lifestyle change because after I lose I have to continue eating similarly. However I do not think it to be that bad. She also made me feel confident because she said she was shocked at my weight, she said I look 50 lbs lighter because I am proportionate. She said I am beautiful and will look amazing when I lose some fat. I was soo happy! Also my test results for ECG and X-RAY came in and they were normal!! Blood work we are still waiting for the newest one. She also said something that kept with me. She was saying if you are craving something, you are so hungry, for exp. late at night. I find that late night eating was a huge habit of mine. She said get naked, sit in front of a mirror and eat. you will not eat very much. This is obviously an extreme measure but she is sure right that would work!!

Anyways thats all for now!


1 comment:

  1. Hmm interesting advice haha. That's awesome that the doctor made you feel good! Kinda what their job entails hahah so that's good. Although you may not reach 20lbs by Monday, you're so close and you're doing amazing!

    I know that eating is something we're going to have to get used with time, and its hard to think of giving up some of our favorites, but I'm sure once we're both at our goals, it'll be easier for us to maintain that lifestyle by only ever divulging rarely and keeping active. That's what we have each other for!

    You're so beautiful and I'm so proud of you. Can't wait to see you in a few days!
