Tuesday 10 July 2012

Day 15- Dahlia

Day 15- Dahlia

Once again ahead of Khizer hehe!

Breakfast- Dr B protein shake, 2 slice toast and sugar free strawberry jam
Lunch- 3.5 oz salmon,  grilled peppers,broccoli, cauliflower
Snacks- diet caffeine free coke can
Dinner- 1 poached egg, cream cheese with melba toast  ( I was not really hungry so I had a weird meal)

Day 15 I was not that hungry. My lunch filled me up all the way to dinner when I was not even hungry that much.

Okay so I have set a personal goal for myself that I want to try hard to achieve. I want to  lose 20lbs by the time I see Khizer. This means I have a week to lose 6.2 lbs even with having my period. I am currently at a total loss of 13.8lbs so I will strive to get to 20lbs in a week. Based on the rate I have been losing it seems possible, thats less just less than a pound a day. Wish me luck! I will keep you posted!

A demain!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! You're doing great with your diet, I'm sure you can do it!
