Thursday 5 July 2012

Day 8, 9, & 10 - Khizer (yes I've slacked)

Alright, yes, I've slacked in posting, and I can't say I was super "busy" because I wasn't, but I guess I was preoccupied with other things that I didn't really get a chance to post. Well, here's a quick summary of the last three days:


So this was the Monday after the first week aka beginning of the second week! Perhaps it wasn't the best start? I tried the Strawberries and Rhubarb mix I got, but it was nasty. I prefer fresh Strawberries thank you very much. I guess this is good for smoothies, but yeah. So I didn't get through that as my breakfast and instead had two Special K 90 calorie granola bars for breakfast. Wasn't the best breakfast I could have, but yeah.

For lunch, I did much better. I had a spinach and tuna salad with a tablespoon of rice vinegar. I had a iced venti 2 splenda green tea with this from Starbucks!

Dinner, I had the remaining chicken and miracle noodle I made the night before. Also, I had some beef jerky as a snack when I got home with that.

Because it was a long day of classes, I didn't go for a jog, but I did do quite a bit of walking to and from school etc. so it wasn't totally bad.

Overall, I don't think I started the week off with a bang, and there's deff room for improvement but in general, it was still wasn't horrible.


I feel like yesterday was a tad better!

I had a hearty breakfast; I made two eggs seasoned with some salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper and hot sauce! With it I had a piece of whole grain toast with a spoon of sugar-free strawberry jam. Yum. I think I made tea with this breakfast too! I can't fully remember though ha. I know I had a cup of tea at some point yesterday!

Because I had such a hearty breakfast, I don't recall actually having a lunch. I went to school though and I bought some more granola bars. Not the same Special K ones, but a similar 90 calorie, extra fibre bar to have for snack. Because I didn't have lunch, I had one of those on my walk home!

I made a fresh dinner yesterday. It was my attempt at a chicken parmesan type meal. I got a chicken breast and cut it in 3 pieces. I dipped it in egg and lemon, and then dipped it in a Matzo Meal breading (Bernstein approved!) and cooked it on the frying pan. I melted some swiss cheese on top of it.

On the side, I made another batch of miracle noodles. I fried onion, garlic, cilantro, tomatoes, and spinach in  pan to which I added the noodles that were boiled in chicken broth. The sauce wasn't as thick as pasta sauce would be, but was still a nice flavour! I added some hot sauce to it. This was my dinner with some green tea!

Breaded chicken!

Added the cheese!

Miracle noodle pasta mix thingy. Whatever you want to call it. 

My dinner!

After my meal, I had to go out for a jog as I was not only energized, but needed to make up for two days. WELLL, not going in two days made a GOOD difference in my performance. I did a 6 minute interval which was AMAZING; I was so proud of myself. I beat my time by a lot, and this motivated me to do my route twice to make up for Monday. Thus, I did a total cardio of 35 minutes; half of it was full on jogging. #proud

I'm not sure if I came home and had a granola bar or not; I don't think so but I might have. #unsure.

Regardless, definitely a MUCH better day.

DAY 10

Ok, we are finally at par! 

Today, I had a more simple breakfast, though not fully to Bernstein standards. I had a whole wheat toast, spread with half jam, and half non-fat cream cheese. I had some grapes left over, and I didn't want to throw them away, so I ate it with that. I know grapes aren't allowed, but I felt bad throwing them away! :(

Lunch, was better. I made myself a tuna salad which consisted of chopped celery and chopped red lettuce, as well as some hot sauce, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper to taste. Although not a fan of Matzoh, I had it with half a piece of Matzoh so I had a bit of a crunch. I had this with the green tea as well as a granola bar. 

Tuna salad, matzoh, and green tea. 
Before dinner, I ate another quick granola bar, and went for a jog. Today, I tried a different interval technique. I did a two minute jog, one minute walk interval and tried to speed up jogging when I could. For some reason, by the end of this I was exhausted. The workout, in total lasted 20 minutes, but I don't know why, despite being yet more effective intervals, I was pooped. Perhaps its because I didn't have a whole lot of food before; my lunch was digested already and the granola bar could only do so much ha. Regardless, I was happy I went for a jog.

Dinner was basically a replica of last nights dinner which was a left over piece of chicken with the miracle noodle pasta I made. I ran out of green tea, and so I made my own iced green tea with the hot tea I had. It was actually very good!

Now, I'm still a bit hungry and as I watch TV, I may snack on beef jerky though I shouldn't. Will update that tomorrow.

I think my worst habit is probably the granola bars, but I feel like they are partially what are helping me stay sane right now in the sense of the diet. They aren't horrible for me, and as a little snack, I do believe its better than just crashing and eating chips or a full on chocolate bar. I'm happy with my jogs, but I still feel like I'm not losing much weight. I'm going to see a personal trainer tomorrow and get an assessment and see where it might go.

Anyways, its 3:00 am! Quite late. Will update tomorrow (well technically later today). 

1 comment:

  1. hahaha so funny! I was going to say granola bars and how many your eating and how often is not good because of the sugar and carb aspect. :( but funny enough you kind of admitted to it too. I think you should start doing crystal light in your water for sugar etc.

    All in all, I am super jealous of your meals and would love you to cook me some of them:)
    keep up the good work!
