Saturday 7 July 2012

Days 11, 12, 13 - Khizer

Alright, another few days of not posting, so I'll do a quick summary of the last few days!

DAY 11

Okay so Thursday morning I made myself an "egg in a basket". Basically cut a whole through a toast, cracked an egg open and cooked it in the middle of the toast. Seasoned it with salt, pepper, and cayenne. I spread some fat free cream cheese on the toast, and on the cut out, I put some sugar free strawberry jam and cream cheese. Quite delicious.

I didn't have enough time for lunch, so I bought a protein bar. Not to be confused with a granola bar, so it was a sort of meal replacement. I had this with a bottle of Vitamin water zero that was fuelled with b5, b6, and b12 vitamins.

I took a trip to the gym and had a consultation with a trainer. We did a nice workout including push ups, squats, ropes, among other basic core workouts. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to purchase a package with them, but I'll discuss that later. 

I ended up walking home and because I lost sense of direction, it took about over an hour of walking to get home when it should've just been 20 minutes. 

I came home and made dinner. Originally intending to make a spinach dish, I ended up making a butter chicken type dish. Basically chopped and sauteed onions, mixed in with tomatoes and chicken, salt, pepper, and cayenne seasoning drizzled over top as well as a cube of cilantro and some lemon. This is when it smelt so much like butter chicken, I decided to continue on with that. I added a few spoons of fat free Greek yogurt to it as well as some miracle rice boiled in chicken broth and it was delicious!! I had this with some green tea. 

I didn't set out for a jog, because, well I had walked so much that day. I did however feel full after my meal, so I walked to Starbucks and got a Venti black coffee to end my night. I think I may have had a granola bar? I don't remember. 

DAY 12

Another day filled with walking. I woke up and had a light breakfast...aka two granola bars. I really need to switch these up with protein bars so as to be more nutritious if I'm going to have meal replacements.

Similarly, for lunch, I also just had a bar, but this was a proper protein bar as a meal replacement. Like yesterday, I had it with vitamin water.

After that, I went downtown Boston and explored and this consisted of lots of walking. When it finally came time to dinner, I was with a friend and we decided to go to a Korean restaurant. With so many tempting choices, I had to try and resist and practice self control. I met halfway and decided to get a large bowl of soup that included egg, and shredded beef. It also did include some rice cake,  vermicelli noodles, and beef boiled dumplings. Although these are more on the carb side, I stuck to eating mostly the broth and the beef. The vermicelli noodles are healthier than regular noodles, and although not the perfect meal I could have, considering everything, it wasn't horrible, especially given the choices I had. I'm neither proud, nor too disappointed. The appetizers were spicy cabbage, bean sprouts, and some exotic vegetable. Not avocado, but I think cucumber? It was more on the healthy side.

I came home and was still hungry later on, so I had some green tea and a granola bar.

No jog today because I was so pooped when I got home after all that walking during the day. I'm not going off the jogging track, I swear.

DAY 13

Okay, today I woke up and started with a protein bar for breakfast, but it was too disgusting and I decided to make a proper breakfast. This was an omelette with tomatoes, spinach, garlic, cilantro, salt, pepper, hot sauce, cayenne pepper, and two eggs with a slice of toast and a glass of green tea

The rest of the day I had no more food, until dinner time which consisted of a reheat of the butter chicken I made on Thursday. I had this with some grapes and cream cheese. I know the Bernstein diet doesn't allow grapes, but I'm trying to rid them out of my fridge without having to throw them away.

Because I didn't have a lunch, I did have a granola bar later on as well with some more green tea.

Today, out of laziness, I didn't go jogging, but the last few days have been a bit long and tiring so tomorrow I'll go back to jogging, I swear.


With the week almost over, I can see my strengths and weaknesses. I think my biggest weakness is the granola bars, even though they are just 90 calories. I think I'm having them though to block cravings of anything else. But, I will try and get some meal replacement bars so to have those if I am craving a granola bar. That way at least its healthier.

Although I didn't go jogging over the last 3 days, 2 of the 3 days had physical activity and/or lots of walking and thus, I still got in some exercise.

I'm at a point though where I feel like breaking. Its ironic its coming at 2 weeks. When I mean breaking, I don't mean to say I want to just go back to my old eating habits, because I'm actually proud of my new diet. Yeah its not perfect to a Bernstein standard, but to a more healthy style, its a lot better than I've ever eaten in almost a year. So yes, I may have a granola bar, but in comparison to before, its much better. On this note, I do give HUGE props to Dahlia who's been doing Bernstein to a tee (unless she's not telling me something haha) and I do think she's doing a great job with that. Anyways, my breaking point is more so my body. I just feel like I'm stuck this way and sometimes it seems like I'm actually getting heavier. Sigh. It sucks.

Anyways, I'm going to continue my healthy eating, and I will get back to jogging tomorrow. I'm not sure if I will buy the sessions at the gym; its just hard to be trusting of people. I spend over 5 months at Goodlife with a personal trainer, and despite getting some results, in those 5 months I didn't get anywhere close to where I should be in 5 months. How do I know that in a month, this gym isn't just trying to scam me for money? I mean, even the trainer at Goodlife seemed good at the beginning. Mind you, one good thing was this trainer did take me through a sample exercise that seemed a bit more promising. Let's see.

1 comment:

  1. wow your eating has def improved. ur recipes look so good. i do agree no granola bars. only protein bars, and limit them to on the go when u have nothing else as best nutrients come from a full meal with veg etc. As for the gym, maybe itll be better than good life, who knows, but i feel like ur jogging etc is def a good start and can keep u going until ur return to ottawa.

    p.s ur personal blog is slacking!:P
