Saturday 30 June 2012

The Ups and Downs of Dieting


Okay, I know , I know. I did not blog recently. I will be creating one entry for all the days this long weekend once it has ended. So hang on for that.


In the  meantime I really felt like I needed to blog about the ups and downs of dieting, and by that I mean those days were you are feeling unmotivated or others are de-motivating you, or you just feel like you are DOOMED! Ever had that feeling? I am sure you have. 

Well, unfortunately it is a huge part of the whole dieting gig.  I mean for starters you decide to go on a diet/workout regime or whatever route you choose to take and you want it to work however deep down you are questioning it, will it work, how long will it take etc. I definitely can admit that I have and sometimes still feel this way. Then when you start the diet you are constantly searching to see results, which guess what? You cannot see! Uh what a let down. Now your like is it working, am I wasting my time. Or how about you are losing weight or inches and you cannot physically see a difference. Is it actually working?

 It is at this point where the doomed feeling comes in. You start feeling like you are stuck this way. You will never lose the weight. Your body is meant to be like this. All of these words are so close to me. I've said or thought them a million times.  This moment is the down of dieting because when you hit rock bottom, there is no where else to go but up. 

You need to motivate yourself or be around others who are motivating.  I am going to be corny by quoting but I actually like quotes, especially I can relate to them and they can uplift me. So here goes, as Eleanor Roosevelt said "You must do the thing you think you cannot do". Just for a little education, she was the FIRST lady of the U.S.  This quote is so so true , when I relate it to myself I think about my life. I think about how I have done many things, got into university, became bilingual etc. but all these things I thought I could do. Dieting, losing weight, that is something that for whatever the reason I think I cannot do.  So you not what I need to do? I need to take Eleanor's advice, I think I cannot diet and lose the weight, so I am going to do it. I do not care what it takes, the ups and the downs but I am going to do it! and you can too!

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the air plane takes off  against the wind, not with it"-Henry Ford


Friday 29 June 2012

Day 5 - Khizer (Demotivation and Motivation!)

Hello! I figure before I go to bed I'll make a quick post on my day because it has been rather interesting. This morning I woke up feeling very demotivated. Unlike Dahlia who has been losing weight and achieving great results this week, I feel like I've been stuck in a rut. Since Monday, and even last week, I've been eating a lot healthier and have been more active than I usually am. The last five days, as you can see on the blog, I've been making a very conscious effort to monitor my eating as well as remain active through jogging. Doing that for 5 days, but not looking and feeling any smaller, has been a bit depressing. I decided perhaps I need to do a diet like Dahlia's where you get B12 injections etc. Its not that I don't believe I can attain my goal on my own, but I really want to meet a specific deadline of August 1st to be lean. Anyways, I'll get to more of that, IF, I do decide such a diet. In the meantime, here's my daily intake:


I didn't go for a jog this morning but did have a similar breakfast to yesterday where I had a glass of milk with a bowl of greek yogurt with grapes, strawberries and blueberries. No bananas today.

I walked to campus after that and was walking quite a bit for the rest of the day till I came home from lunch which was around 5:30 PM.


I made my typical sandwich again (whole wheat/grain bread, a slice of swiss, two slices of chicken, lettuce, and honey mustard) with a glass of Diet Green tea.


Around 11:00 I had a late dinner. This was a reheat of the ground beef with mushrooms, swiss, onions, and tomatoes, with a glass of water.

Because I had a late dinner, I could NOT, just go to sleep soon after. I didn't do my jog, and despite it being almost 12 by then, I had to make sure I got out, even for a little bit...

SO, I went for a jog around 12:06 am and did my normal route. Here is where the motivational part comes in; I finished my jog in an even 20 minutes doing my normal route!! This normally takes me about 25 minutes so I beat 5 minutes off my route. This was done mainly because I had much larger intervals of jogging and very little of walking. My walking intervals were very short, and I was just so motivated to keep jogging! This was huge as at the beginning of the week my cardio was pretty bad, but slowly and slowly I've been building it up, and today was just a proof of how slowly I did work my cardio up much strong. This was a huge motivation from the morning as maybe I didn't see results in my stomach, but I do know that all my jogs have helped my cardio get better! I'm really excited as I type this as I hope to daily try and do longer and longer intervals!!

This was a great end to a day especially since it started off with me feeling a bit down regarding my weight. So, let's see where this takes us!!

Day 4- Dahlia

Day 4- Dahlia

Yeah Khizer you beat me! Okay, Okay! Just remember next time I will beat you! hehe!

So today is Friday! Do you remember what that means? Dr. Bernstein in the morning. So today en route to Bernstein I was thinking to myself wondering what I will weigh in at. I have been strict on myself and trying hard but would it pay off? Well. Guess what? Today I weighed in 4.4 pounds less. Thus making a loss of 7lbs from Tuesday to Friday of my first week, only 4 days. Amazing! It also took me to a different number range. This was an amazing accomplishment, as you may remember the 2 week goal is 7-10 but I  did 7 in a week!
Way to go me!

P.s if I can do it so can you!

Eating wise it has been a challenge because of packing lunches for work. I found yesterday I was really hungry. So today I packed more consciously.

So yesterday I ate:
3/4 cup Egg Creations and 1 slice No fat cheese

Dr Bernstein Chicken Noodle Soup, 3 Kavli crisp thin with 95% fat free cream cheese and cucumber

Apple, mini apple sauce

3.5 oz Salmon, asparagus, salad with home-made Bernstein dressing

Talk soon,


Day 4 - Khizer

I beat Dahlia to Day 4!!! YES! Haha.

Ok so yesterday I kinda caved into buying a big jug of Arizona Diet Iced Green Tea. I was trying to not buy any artificial sweetened things because I heard they actually work in opposite to what you want, BUT, I was really craving sugars so I bought a jug. Funnily enough, its on Dahlia's approved list of items on the Bernstein diet!

Anyways so I postponed my jog in the morning again for the evening as I woke up a little late. For breakfast, I made a little fruit bowl featuring Greek yogurt. It featured black grapes, strawberries, blueberries and one banana mixed in with Greek yogurt and a glass of milk. 

I walked to campus shortly after and di some errands. Upon reaching home, I made lunch and it was my traditional sandwich (whole wheat/grain bread with two slices of chicken, one slice of swiss cheese, mustard, and lettuce) with a glass of the green tea. 

In between lunch and dinner I was craving a little, so I had some celery and carrot sticks with fat free cream cheese as a dipping source.

For dinner, I made a skillet featuring onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, and ground beef flavoured with salt pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic, hot sauce, and some rice vinegar. It was delicious!! I had this with some green tea again.

I had lots of energy after this so I went for a 25 minute jog followed by a quick 15 minute round of weights...yes, I finally was able to incorporate some weights into my day. I basically did some lat pull downs, bicep curls, and some triceps. Three sets of 12 each.

The jog in the evening was beautiful! Red building is where I live. 

This was followed with a glass of water before going to bed!

Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 3 - Khizer

Yesterday was another day on the diet for me, however it was a little different.

In the morning, I was actually a bit too lazy to go on my jog, however it was also because I slept late the previous night and I had to rush to campus. However, I did wake up and have my breakfast which consisted of strawberries and blueberries with greek yogurt and a glass of non-fat milk.

For lunch, I packed a sandwich which, like the previous day, featured two slices of chicken, a slice of swiss cheese, some lettuce, and honey mustard between whole wheat / whole grain bun. This lunch was accompanied by an Iced-Venti Unsweetened Black Tea from Starbucks. This no sugar thing is killing me, especially with Starbucks' drinks but I'm trying to build my self control and exercise good habits!

Once home from school, I ate a banana for some energy and then went on a 20-minute jog in the evening. I beat some of my intervals, and thus I was able to do the run in a shorter time frame than I normally would. However, I also out one of the four bridges yesterday hence why it was 20 instead of a 25-30 minute run.

For dinner, I simply had the left over chicken with asparagus I made the night before with a glass of water.

I think the hardest part for me is still the snacking. I don't mind the healthy foods, but then when it comes to snacking, I'm definitely missing out on some of my favourite snacks. Its hard to keep up and not cave in especially with so much temptation around, but as with Dahlia, I think we both will learn self control out of this. 


Day 3-Dahlia

Day 3-Dahlia

 Me again!

So I am getting in the habit of updating which is good.

Yesterday I ate:

Kavli Crisp Thin x3 with 95% fat free cream cheese

2 apples

peppermint tea/ 1 can sprite zero

chili with salad

mini unsweetened apple sauce


3/4 cup egg beaters with vegetables and 1 Kraft no fat cheese slice

Today I do not have to go to Bernstein, so what I weigh is a mystery to me but I am being so cautious because I loved my first weigh in results and I want to see more like that.

I want to stress that this has NOT been easy. I find that because there is such a restriction on what I can eat that I am finding it hard to be in places that have food because it is a tease. Grocery shopping I like quick and fast, I know what I need , get it and leave. Even the subway is annoying because every morning I walk by fresh Cinnabon to get to work and all other food places. So it is super important that I pack enough food so that I am never hungry and in a situation like that. Although I believe I do have more self-control it is still difficult. Even yesterday at the office one of the partners bought Doughnuts for everyone there was atleast 24 of them, so I closed my office door and stayed away as everyone ate them. I was not going to let a 30 second enjoyment of a doughnut ruin my weight loss progress.

Well that is all for now!
I will check in tomorrow post-Bernstein appointment! :)



Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 2- Dahlia

Day 2- Dahlia

Yesterday was a good day for me. I was able to reduce carbs and sugar and be a little closer to the Bernstein diet. I have to start the diet on Thursday a.k.a tomorrow. For the past 2 days I am getting closer and closer to the diet.

Yesterday I ate an egg on a piece of crispbread for breakfast. For snacks I had an apple, greek yogurt. For lunch I had a cauliflower soup with salad and a sprite zero. For dinner I made a scrambled eggs with peppers, onions, and chicken.

Although not perfect it definitely was a step in the right direction.

This morning I had yet another appointment at Dr Bernstein. I went in excited for my next injection, but not really thinking about the weigh in as it had just been 24 hrs. Little did I know I was about to find out that I lost 2.6lbs! I was ecstatic! It was already working! This gave me such a big boost of confidence!

I received a double dose of the injection as I have to wait till Friday to go in next. I hope Friday when I weigh in I will be equally happy with the results!

The nurse also checked my urine sample for ketones and said that my body is burning fat already.

What an amazing start!

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 2 - Khizer

Alright so I thought I'd beat Dahlia today and post before heading to bed! I think I succeeded.

Today was an amazing second day, and I feel very accomplished today! Here's the low down:


I got up a bit later today, but still made sure to get my jog in. Pre-jog I had a banana, just like yesterday.  Today, I went further with my jog, and added an extra 10 minutes to my time while also beating and doing larger intervals. Thus, I went from a 25 to 35 minute total run today. The weather was so perfect after the rain last night that it was a very enjoyable run! I've posted some pictures of myself and of the jogging route to give a general idea of where I go in the morning.

After my jog, I came home and just like yesterday, I had some blueberries and milk to complete my breakfast.
The red building with the windows is where I live!

The starting of the 4 bridges on my jogging route. 

My jogging route!

The second of four bridges on my jogging route. 

A little hidden spot by the water. 

Despite looking angry, I was actually content!

Canadian Geese in the USA, I thought it was funny!


After doing some more cardio by walking to and from school, I came home and made myself a proper lunch today. This consisted of a chicken sandwich made of whole wheat/whole grain bread, some red lettuce, some honey mustard, a slice of swiss cheese, and 2 slices of deli meat low fat chicken breast. This was accompanied by a glass of water and followed by 2 scoops of greek yogurt mixed with some blueberries and chopped strawberries.

Lunch time!
I also wanted to mention that my walk home was a more intense walk as I carried over 50lbs worth of shopping the whole way. It was almost like a farmer's walk!

After my heavy walk home!

In the evening, I finally made a proper dinner as well. Not a specific recipe, I put together a skillet featuring onions, tomatoes, asparagus and chicken breast. This was seasoned with some salt, pepper, lemon, some rice vinegar and olive oil. For just being a quick put together, it was actually very delicious! I made enough and it will be my dinner again tomorrow.

Post dinner, I went to the gym in my building with the intention to do weights. However, since the machine was occupied, I did a quick 10 minute interval session on an elliptical and came back upstairs to do some push ups and crunches. Thus, I did 50 push ups and 100 crunches.

So that was my day!! The second day was already better than the first. I'm loving the jogging every morning and I'm hoping as it progresses I'll significantly improve my cardio level and meet my goal soon! I do hope to go in to do proper weights soon!

Till tomorrow!

Day 1 - Khizer

Once again, Dahlia has totally beat me to the punch posting two amazing blogs in a row! Who knew that after losing her blogging virginity she'd become so active? I guess that's the way it goes with every virginity ha!

So my official first day was yesterday, June 25th, 2012 as it was also my first day of class at Harvard. Here's a breakdown of what I did:


I woke up around 7:45 am and ate a banana for a quick breakfast. After this, while letting it digest a little, I changed and got ready to go for a jog. Around a quarter past 8 I went for a 23 minute interval jog around the river right by my house. The river consists of 4 main bridges, and I would use each bridge as an interval between walking and jogging. This would not only help me boost up my cardio, but was also great for getting the heart rate up and down which, from what I've heard, is a great trigger to weight loss.

Once I came back home I changed and relaxed and had my "proper" breakfast. That consisted of some blueberries plus a glass of non-fat milk.


At 12:00 pm, my first class was to start and go from 12-3. Thus I left home a bit earlier as I had some errands to run before class. I walked about 15 minutes to Harvard Square (campus) where I got an umbrella due to the rain. After this, I walked closer towards my class and stopped at a Starbucks by my class to pick up a drink. As a huge coffee drinker, I knew I couldn't keep drinking my mistos featuring steamed milk and caramel syrup. However, I still needed my coffee so I simply got a grande Indivisible blend coffee roast. Black. Despite hating black coffee before, as my coffee palette has grown, its actually grown to be something I quite like.

This coffee lasted me until about 3:00 pm.

My next class was from 3:15 to 6:15, so I had another 3 hours interval. During my class break around 4:45, I picked up a Mediterranean wrap from a local convenience store. Although, I didn't want to purchase from outside, this morning I didn't have enough time to cook up a lunch. However, I made sure to get the healthiest wrap and this was it. It was a pita that featured grilled chicken, lettuce, feta cheese, and black olives.  I ate half of a full wrap.


My next class was from 6:30 to 9:30 and thus, I needed another coffee. Again, I got a grande black coffee and walked to class. During class, I ate the second half of the wrap.

After class was over, I had to walk back home, however this took a bit longer than the average 15 minute as there was a lot of rain and thunder. Once I did get home around 10:30, I was still a little hungry seeing as I didn't have a significant amount to eat.

At this point, I was SO close to breaking my diet and just getting some junk to eat, but I knew if I wanted to achieve my goal, I needed more self-regulation and control. I also have the bad habit of snacking at night / while eating TV. So, I reached a happy medium and had a few carrot sticks with fat free cream cheese as well as a glass of water before I went to sleep.

Overall, there were pros and cons to my first day. I was proud of myself for waking up and going for a jog as well as eating a much healthier diet than I'm used to. I wasn't happy with how I had to buy from outside, and I also know I needed more protein in my diet that day. I'm hoping that this is what I'll improve over the next few days. The first day was a bit harder as I did have 9 hours of back to back classes, however, one of those classes will be out of the picture by next week and thus it will change things.

That's all for now, I'll check in again tonight or early tomorrow with an update for today!!

Official Day 1 - Dahlia

Day 1

This morning at 6:30 am I walked into a medical clinic feeling anxious and excited at the same time. I was greeted by a team of nurses who took my completed health forms, weighed me and took my height. 

After a few administrative tasks I was asked by one of the nurses to follow her into  a separate room. This room was very small and consisted of one chair and storage and sink etc. comparable to a doctor's room. She advised me that because I am over a certain number I am in a category that means that I need to have additional medical attention and that I will be meeting with a doctor outside of Bernstein in a few weeks to get tests and check up by him and then I will also be meeting with a Bernstein doctor to do additional testing and to meet with him every few weeks. After hearing that news, I was put in a reality check, I am VERY overweight. Not just a few pounds here and there but really overweight. She then proceeded to check my blood pressure and do my measurements. She then advised me that with this program you lose 7-10lbs every 2 weeks, she thus said that on July 10 we have a goal of 7-10 lbs and then continue by the same every 2 weeks.

In this next section, myself along with another new member, sat and had our consultation where the nurse went over exactly what the diet entailed, what supplements to take etc. This was also the time to ask any questions. It was here when I had my second realization, as I was told that although this diet consists of 2 servings from each food section, I need to have 3 from each section and then later drop down to 2. I was happy that they wanted a better adjustment for my body and it made me confident in their expertise but it was yet again another tell tale sign of my problem.

Finally this appointment comes to an end with the "B-Sting" as they call it. Now  I head back to the private room for my "B-Sting", a.k.a the injection. She told me it would not hurt to put it in but that right after you get a sting similar to a bee sting , which is the fluid going into your system. This was the most fearful part for me. I heard all these stories about bruising, soreness and pain and now it was my turn to experience it for myself. I pulled down the right side of my pants to show my buttocks, she said "are you ready?" and then prick! I got the injection. Then a second later she says "Done!". "That's it?" I said. I was so worked up about this injection and it turns out it was nothing, yes there was stinging after, but for only 15 secs or so. If this was the brunt of it then, bring it on!

After leaving the private room I was ready to go on my way. I left with some of the purchased vitamins, a lot of information brochures, requisitions for tests and blood work BUT the most important and life changing thing  I left with was this feeling that is unexplainable. I went downstairs and went on the subway to head to work and while I was sitting down, I was smiling.  I could not stop. I felt like I had just achieved something. I felt like I finally took the right step towards a better me. I kept thinking I am going to lose the weight this time, this is the last time I will look like this. I can be like her, looking at a girl on the subway, and her, looking at another. 

Today is June 26, 2012 and this is the day my life will change.

Monday 25 June 2012

Dahlia's "final" Day

The Final Day

Today is an important day for me as it marks an end and a beginning. Today is the last day of what I will begin to call my former eating habits and the commencement of a new way of eating that maximizes weight loss, which will be the Dr. Bernstein diet.

Tomorrow I will begin to blog daily, my feelings and thoughts about the diet and my progression. I will be writing detailed what I am eating daily and every few days I will record my weight loss. I will also add photos of my starting weight and tell you what my goal is.

This will NOT be an easy journey but it is one that I am looking forward to because it is long overdue. It is not fair to myself and my body to be overweight and I cannot wait until I am healthier again.

June 26,2012 commences a new me!

Sunday 24 June 2012

Khizer's Ready for the Challenge!

This past weekend I moved into Cambridge and am ready to start my new lifestyle in the morning! Although I let myself splurge a little bit over the weekend, I did it as my "last supper" before I start my new healthy eating habits. As a result, I went over to the grocery store to do and did a bunch of shopping.

Here is a list of groceries I picked up:

100% Whole Wheat Whole Grain Bread
Red leaf lettuce
Baby Carrots
2 Lemons 
5 Tomatoes
Organic Celery
Organic Bananas
Plantation Mint Tea
Olive Oil
Non-fat Plain Greek Yogurt
Basil and Oregano Seasoned Rice Vinegar
1 Litre All Natural Fat Free Milk
Fat Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Honey Dijon Mustard
Extra Lean 90% or leaner Ground Beef
Extra lean Extra trim Boneless Skineless Chicken Breast
Healthy Lifestyle Extra Lean Southern Fried Breast of Chicken

I tried to get the healthiest options for all my meals! As mentioned before, not only do I plan to eat healthier, I also plan on jogging every morning. Let's get this journey started!!!!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Khizer's first week-ish + goals

Okay so although Dahlia has paced a little faster than me in posting her goals and her meals for the last day, I have not forgotten. Who knew Dahlia would be such a keen blogger!?! Ha!

Anyways, so first off I'll start off with my goals for the summer and then I'll explain what I have done so far to reach it and what my short-term goals are to attain this goal!


So my long term and overall goal is to be healthy and fit, which I believe is what everyone really strives for. However, breaking that goal down into smaller short term goals, my number one priority is to lose my belly weight and to get a flat stomach. Despite being a regular at the gym since late 2011, I focused more on weights than I did cardio. Thus, I've developed more muscle and content with that, but I haven't done much for my stomach which to me is very important and is going to be my major focus this summer!


Starting Monday June 25th, I'll be heading to Harvard University to do a 6 week program. As a result, in those 6 weeks I plan on making a big leap towards my goal!

To achieve this goal I have two major steps: eat less and healthier, work out more.  Like mentioned above, despite going to the gym for the last 6 months, focusing more on weights didn't help my cardio nor did it help my diet. I would always say I'd like to eat better, but really it would turn into a "tomorrow I'll officially start". Tomorrow never came. So not only do I want to improve my diet by eating less and more healthy, I also want to spend more time working out on my cardio rather than just muscle. So I plan to take more walks, jog, skipping, as well as treadmills when the days don't permit me to go out.


This past week,  has been my unofficial start to my goal. I figured before starting on Monday when I begin my program at Harvard, I'd ease into eating better and getting more cardio. That way its not an all of a sudden lifestyle change.

While being in Toronto since Monday with my parents, I have found myself eating way less and in a much healthier form than I used to.


From Monday all the way to today, my breakfast has consisted of a cup of tea with some milk and no sugar with a bit of a light wafer cookie (minus today I had one chocolate chip cookie).


Then each day, I've been having a lunch which consisted of a home made chicken burger on a bagel with salad on Monday, sushi buffet on Tuesday, spinach and potatoes on Wednesday, and an omelette with pancakes and a bagel today.


For dinner, on Monday I had cauliflower with some Pakistani naan bread type  thing called roti which is actually a bit lighter.  On Tuesday, it was a similar deal with some carrots and peas included in the mix as well as some rice. Last night, dinner was rupini (spinach type green ground and cooked with some garlic and ginger) with some biryani.


My biggest weakness has to be late night snacking which tends to be the worst habit of mine as it normally consists of chips or ice cream or one of those horrible junk foods. That perhaps might be my biggest challenge to overcome. So on Monday, my snacking consisted of mangos and watermelons which isn't too bad. However at night when I watched some TV, I had some cheetos. Tuesday, my snacking was mangos, however at night when I watched TV again, I had ice cream! Last night, my snacking was mangos, pears, and watermelons, and when I watched TV at night, I had just water!! #accomplishment.


Another one of my weakness is drinking sugary fluids like pop and very sweet juices. The one thing I can proudly attest for is drinking none of those since Monday! Since Monday, I have been drinking only water for the main part, as well as tea with no added sugar or anything else. On Monday and Wednesday, I did have watermelon juice, but it was homemade with no added sugar either. On Monday night, I had a coffee misto with some caramel syrup which was the only thing that made that drink a bit bad. Yesterday, I had a nonfat, no whip, chai cream frappucino light, which I regret as well. Today the only thing I had that was a bit sweet was a mango shake, however like the watermelon juice, it was homemade and consisted of just mangos and milk, nothing else.

Working Out

Since Monday, my cardio has consisted of walking daily. Monday was perhaps the longest walk I did which was about an hour and was almost like a farmers walk as I carried groceries for half an hour of that walk. I also walked in the evening that day for about 20 minutes when I picked up my dad from work. Tuesday was similar as I went for a walk with my mom and dad when I got my dad from work which was about 20 minutes as well. Yesterday, I went for a walk with my mom for about 45 minutes also and this morning I went for a 30 minute walk when I walked my dad to the bus stop.

In addition, last night I did 50 push ups, 45 squats, and a mere 15 crunches. My back was hurting so the crunches weren't helping the case so I didn't do any reps of those.


This week hasn't been any big contribution towards my goal but it is definitely a start. Although I have had some slip ups with my snacking and drinks, its impossible to completely revert to an extreme diet right away. Same goes with the cardio. Although I would like to jog more, getting in the habit of taking a walk every day is a good way to cross into jogging every day when I get to Harvard. I'm proud of my eating habits and how they've gotten much better this week. I plan to get them even better once I'm at Cambridge.

Sorry this post was a bit long...I'm accounting for 3 days in one post!! However, when I officially start at Harvard, I will make sure I post shorter posts daily!!

I'll try and post a picture this week too so that we can do a before and after comparison in 6 weeks.

Till next time,

Au Revoir!

Day 1 - Dahlia

So this is being posted a day late but nonetheless is still important and valid. I will try to post nightly or next day at the worst. 

Yesterday I did lots of walking to from subway spot and around the law office but other than that no other physical activity.

On the nutrition side of things I ate the following:

Breakfast: 1 piece of crispbread with a poached egg, glass of water
Lunch : salad with red pepper and broccoli and a balsamic vinagrette dressing with pieces of chicken breast
Snacks: apple, cantalope, strawberries
Drinks: Tea, Water
Dinner: Hamburger of the BBQ (no bun), grilled peppers, salad with moms low fat home-made vinagrette dresssing

Bon Appetit!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Dahlia's First Blog!

My name is Dahlia and I make up the "Dahl" of Dahlzer a.k.a the other half of Khizer. This blog was created in order for us to keep in contact about our eating habit, fitness and weight loss goals while we are apart this summer and then maybe continue on later. 

Without giving away my weight because I am a girl and you can NEVER ask a girl her weight. I am overweight and the heaviest I have ever weighed, although I have always been a curvy girl. 

With failed diets, weight loss programs and personal training I am going to try and finally lose the weight for the last time. I am going to do this by starting with Dr Bernstein. I just signed up for the consultation/first week so  I have my appointment a week from now, June 26, 2012. I am super nervous for the appointment because it is in a medical setting and I am not the biggest fan of doctors etc. I am also scared about the needles as I am unaware of what is in them, where it is injected, how much etc. However, I am at the same time very excited and confident in the program as my mom experienced very large weight loss last year on this program. If she can do it and we have the same genes, I think I can too.

The thing about Bernstein is it is very pricey and very strict so if you are going to actually do it you need to commit 100%. I am at the point where I am feeling very low like I am going to be "stuck" like this forever. This is my last effort, I need to give it my all, just like I have with everything else in my life. I need the support of all my family and friends and most of all my other half. I need to believe in myself and have others believe in me. Just because I have failed with all other attempts does not make me hopeless. I am going to do it.

This leads me to my final note which is my goal. In the next 5 weeks or so that I am in Toronto, I would like to lose 20lbs. My long term goal is to weigh a healthy weight of around 140. 

My blogging virginity has now been taken.



Khizer's Introduction

Welcome to Dahlzer. A combination of Khizer and Dahlia put know like Brangelina, Bennifer etc. On this blog the two of us will be posting about our journey to a healthy life style as well as general feelings, comments, thoughts, etc. 

The two of us are separate for the first time this summer, and will be for 6 weeks until the 1st week of August! Our goal is to impress each other, as well as ourselves, in those 6 weeks by shifting to a healthier lifestyle in terms of diet, exercise, and general well being! We'll stay up to date with each other by making daily posts on this blog of our progress...full honesty and transparency!

So, without a further adieu, let's get this started!