Saturday 14 July 2012

DAY 19 & 20 - Khizer

Ok so these last two days were almost identical in terms of eating for me.

Friday - Day 19

For breakfast, because two slices actually mean one, I had two slices of toast. One was with sugar free jam and fat free cream cheese and the other was with some mustard and hot sauce

Sweet and Sour!

For lunch, I was hungry and went to a little supermarket called Broadway's and made my own salad. It was with spinach, mixed greens, green olives, and feta with some balsamic dressing. I added a bit of a crab salad too for some protein!

For dinner, I made spinach, celery and broccoli. As I had previously pureed celery, I decided to make a green skillet, and cooked some chop spinach with the broccoli and decided that the celery would be a nice zing. With some spices added to it, it was delicious! Normally, when my mom makes me spinach, she makes them with potatoes, as that is the traditional recipe, however with the broccoli being a part of it, the texture was almost like a replacement for the potatoes!

As a snack, I had three granola bars (three different times).

In terms of fitness, I went for a 23 minute run. I have decided on a new method of tracking time. I will do the same route with the same intervals daily, and see if I ever beat my total time. After the jog, I came back and did the same workout as Thursday which was 3 sets of 15 pushups, sit ups, biceps, and lats. Was a good day!

Oh and my beverages consisted of diet Green tea, diet Powerade and water!

Saturday - Day 20

Almost identical, but less.

For breakfast, I made the same toast as yesterday.

I skipped lunch, and had two granola bars through the day, and then for dinner I had some left over spinach.

All this with lots of Green tea.

Because I didn't have lunch, I'm now getting really hungry and so I might have a celery stick, or maybe chop up some salad!

Anyways, I'll post again tomorrow!

Friday 13 July 2012

Day 17 &18 DAHLIA

Day 17& 18 - Dahlia

Day 17
B-1 egg, crispbread
L-grilled zucchini
3 piece crispbread and tuna with celery and onion, 1 tbsp 1/2 fat mayo
S-2 dill pickles, unsweetened apple sauce
D-tuna cucumber onion on crispbread

Day 18
B- 1 egg, crispbread
L-melba toast, tuna
S-unsweetened apple sauce, strawberries
D-3/4 cup egg creations which 1 slice cheese and hot sauce

Alright so as you can see I had very little variety, however I was happy because I became obsessed with tuna haha. But as I can see in my results today which was 0.6 lbs, i think it is better to eat as many different proteins as you can so that your body is constantly peaking.  Regardless I am very happy, I am down 15.8lbs and next week is my 3rd week so I get to do measurements which I am excited for. I also think that I wont be able to lose the 4.2lbs to hit 20 by Monday weigh in BUT I believe I will be hitting it next week, which is awesome, and I am happy for that!

Today I had my first appt with the Bernstein doctor. She was amazing made me feel very confident. She told me how I will acheive my goal and how I need to think of this as a lifestyle change because after I lose I have to continue eating similarly. However I do not think it to be that bad. She also made me feel confident because she said she was shocked at my weight, she said I look 50 lbs lighter because I am proportionate. She said I am beautiful and will look amazing when I lose some fat. I was soo happy! Also my test results for ECG and X-RAY came in and they were normal!! Blood work we are still waiting for the newest one. She also said something that kept with me. She was saying if you are craving something, you are so hungry, for exp. late at night. I find that late night eating was a huge habit of mine. She said get naked, sit in front of a mirror and eat. you will not eat very much. This is obviously an extreme measure but she is sure right that would work!!

Anyways thats all for now!


Thursday 12 July 2012

Day 15, 16, 17, 18 - Khizer

I guess I've made this habit to amalgamate posts into one giant one. I think this is my worst yet, and what's worse is I think I may have even forgotten some of what I ate!! Okay so I'm going to try my hardest to remember!


Breakfast - I think I had something very small, I believe it was a slice of toast with some fat free cream cheese and some sugar free jam.

Lunch  - Okay, so here is where I feel like I kinda cheated. Because my breakfast was tiny, I had a bigger lunch that I bought. I think its the first time I've bought a meal since I started here or since that soup on Friday. Anyways, it was little whole wheat dumplings filled with cabbage and some other vegetables. They weren't horrible, and they were boiled, not fried but I felt kind of bad. Although, I only had half the serving, so that was a little better. I had this with Sprite Zero. My first pop in forever!

Dinner - I had my left over soup from Sunday with some green tea. And a granola bar as a snack.

Oh, although I promised to go for a jog, I was so tired by the end of the day that I didn't! :(


Breakfast - My last egg! I made an egg in a basket with Wonder's healthy bread. It's even healthier than the whole grain I've been having, and tastes better! The rest of the bread, I put some jam with some cream cheese. Was delicious.

Lunch - I was out again today and so I bought some chilli. Because chilli has lots of sodium, and kidney beans, I decided to not add any salt or have any crackers with it. I had some vitamin water zero this, and a white chocolate healthy granola bar.

Dinner - I made some cauliflower! I basically cooked it with some soy sauce, salt, pepper, cayenne, cilantro, and garlic. Was delicious.

Snack - A little granola bar.

Oh, and today I finally went for a jog again today. Did my full 20-25 minute routine with some nice intervals. Felt good to finally get back to jogging!!


Breakfast - I had a slice of toast with sugar free jam and some cream cheese.

Lunch - I had half of a protein bar. I had another one handy, but only had half. I also got an Iced Venti Unsweetened Passion tea from Starbucks. Free, btw. They gave me a partner beverage!!

Dinner - I came home and had my left over cauliflower, and a piece of granola bar.

Because of the long day, I didn't have enough time to go for a jog.


Okay, finally up to date!

Breakfast- I woke a bit later so my breakfast and lunch occurred at the same time.

Lunch - I had a protein bar.

Dinner - I made a chicken dish. No idea what it's called. LOL, I basically cut some chicken strips, cooked it in a pan with some pepper, and cayenne. I added some soy, rice vinegar, hot sauce, mustard and pureed celery to the mix and let it cook for a bit. It was pretty good. Could have used some salt, but its best not to have lots of sodium anyways, so I did myself a favour. I had this with a glass of green tea!

Today, I was also able to go for a jog and squeeze in a nice workout. I only went for a 15 minute jog, BUT, I went back and hit the gym for some weights. I did a quick little power work out, where I did 3 sets of 15 pushups, lat pull downs, bicep curls, and crunches. Normally I'm able to do 30 crunches per set, but I stalled at 15 the first time, and 12 the following two times. Not sure what happened, but didn't want to force anything.  I felt really good after I did that. I'm going to try and do some quick little workouts like that every day or every other day. Keep everything in check!


First of all, I apologize for posting so late. Been a busy week with school with midterms around the corner. Second, I honestly don't feel myself losing anything, but I feel good that I'm eating better and that I'm jogging etc. So, I'm going to let it slide and just hope that slowly and slowly I can lose weight. Also, similar to Dahl, I've also started to get less of an appetite. For example, today I had a protein bar in the morning, and it kept me full all day! I had chicken, but I definitely could have done without, but I made sure to incorporate some protein before I slept. This is probably a good thing I hope!

Anyways, I'll try to keep up to date with my posts daily and not once or twice a week with a bunch of posts haha. 

Till then,


Day 14 - Khizer

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

2 weeks down!

Today was an okay day. I didn't quite had breakfast, instead I had a larger "brunch". I decided I would try and make some tuna cakes. I got a can of tuna and mixed in some chopped celery, cilantro, cayenne, black pepper, salt, some hot sauce, some lemon juice, and some spinach and made them into little cakes, dipped them in egg and then dipped them in some matzoh mix and fried them on a pan.

I made a little greek yogurt dip for these. The greek yogurt is non fat, and is low on carb, and very low on calories. I added some lemon juice, pepper, cilantro, and some hot sauce, and it was the perfect dip for the cakes!! I had this with some green tea.

I had a bit of a break between brunch and dinner. I didn't go for a jog per say, but I want for a long walk from campus, to home with some groceries, and I that's how I got my exercise in. I know, I know, slacker, but I've actually been feeling sick for the last few days, and thus its kinda affected me going for a physical jog. Between today/tomorrow, I'm going to try and go.

I had a healthy 2 granola bars between lunch and dinner, and then for dinner I made a home made soup. It was my first time making soup from scratch like this, but it turned out amazing. It was a chicken and vegetable soup with some celery and carrots. I know carrots aren't allowed, but like my predicament with the grapes, I didn't want to throw them out, and so I thought in a soup they'd be better consumed. No more, I promise!!

Anyways, 2 weeks down, and I'm still staying generally consistent. I need to get back to jogging, but I know the last few days that I didn't go, it wasn't because I didn't want to and its because I did incorporate some other form of exercise. Today, I will try and go out if I'm feeling better, but if not, I will go tomorrow for sure!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Day 16- Dahlia

Day 16- Dahlia

So recently when dinner time rolls around I have little to no appetite. This is a good sign though because the nurse told me this means my body is in Ketosis and I am burning. Even though not hungry I must still try to eat all my portions.

So here is what I ate:
Breakfast- 1 egg on crispbread
Lunch- 3 pieces bread and jam, 75 gchicken    <---- Huge mistake, I did not look up portions and that was double the bread intake i can have in one day!!!!!!!!!!! do not mistake that mistake again!!!!!!!
Snack-apple sauce, red pepper, cucumber
Dinner- Tuna with onion and celery on 1 crispbread and 1 pickle

So this morning I weighed in and lost 1.4lbs. This means I am 4.8 lbs from my first personal goal of 20lbs.
I have 2 more weigh ins to reach this goal. I am going to try to lose as much as I can! If I dont reach the goal by Tuesday I will still reach it really soon and that is very important to me! I am so proud of how well I have done!

Chat soon,

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Day 15- Dahlia

Day 15- Dahlia

Once again ahead of Khizer hehe!

Breakfast- Dr B protein shake, 2 slice toast and sugar free strawberry jam
Lunch- 3.5 oz salmon,  grilled peppers,broccoli, cauliflower
Snacks- diet caffeine free coke can
Dinner- 1 poached egg, cream cheese with melba toast  ( I was not really hungry so I had a weird meal)

Day 15 I was not that hungry. My lunch filled me up all the way to dinner when I was not even hungry that much.

Okay so I have set a personal goal for myself that I want to try hard to achieve. I want to  lose 20lbs by the time I see Khizer. This means I have a week to lose 6.2 lbs even with having my period. I am currently at a total loss of 13.8lbs so I will strive to get to 20lbs in a week. Based on the rate I have been losing it seems possible, thats less just less than a pound a day. Wish me luck! I will keep you posted!

A demain!

Monday 9 July 2012

DAY 11, 12, 13 14- Dahlia

Day 11,12,13,14- Dahlia

So clearly I did some major blog slacking as I missed many days.

Day 11-
poached egg on crispbread
crystal light to drink

2 slice bread with cream cheese

2 oz asparagus
2oz zucchinni
74 g chicken sliced mixed in Patak's tandoori paste
caffeine free diet coke

1 chicken breast

Day 12-
2 slice bread, sugar free jam
Dr B protein bar

diet a&w rootbeer
75g sliced chicken

1/4 cantoloupe
Dr B protein bar
1 apple

Day 13-
Dr B protein bar

75 g chicken, salad

1 chicken breast
mushrooms, broccoli, green peppers


Day 14-

1 piece matzah melted 1 slice cheese

Dr. B protein bar

1/2 pepper
1/2 zucchinni
3.5 oz salmon

As you can see these days were busy for me as there was alot of protein bars instead of full meals.

As for weight loss, Friday when I went in I did end up losing, which was a great relief for me. I lost 2.4 lbs.
Today Monday, when I weighed in I lost another 2 lbs.

Thus since the day I started which was roughly two weeks ago, I lost 13.8lbs!!!!!

This week is menstruation for me so I am not sure if my bloating etc will affect my water retention and thus my weight. I will hope not but if so it should drop off once I am finished. So we will keep this in mind when looking at my numbers this week.

As for how im feeling. I feel like i look the exact same. I am taking nude pics weekly starting last week, in order to chart my progress. Today I am wearing pants that I bought for losing 7 lbs and they are  lose today but i feel like my jeans still fit the same so I am not sure if i really notice a difference but i am sure over time i will.  

talk soon
xo D